
The German Society of Material Science awards Professor Mady Elbahri the DGM prize of 2020

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e.V. (DGM) has recognized Professor Mady Elbahri at the School of Chemical Engineering, for his outstanding scientific achievements in the field of Nanoscience and nanotechnology.
Professor Mady Elbahri

He especially concentrates in the development, synthesis, and characterization of innovative functional materials with a diverse range of applications such as in the fields of energy, environment, and life science. His particularly noteworthy contributions are found in his research on disordered plasmonic metamaterials, the collective interaction of localized plasmon resonances and chromophores as well as his self-developed Leidenfrost synthesis, which is an environmentally friendly technique of synthesizing new materials in aqueous mediums.

The DGM Prize is awarded to an excellent scientist who is in the middle of his research career, for exceptional scientific or technical achievements, that represent a publicised, documented breakthrough in materials science and engineering or have opened a new field of research. The DGM Prize consists of a certificate and the sculpture "Durchbruch" (breakthrough).

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e.V. (DGM) is the largest technical science association for materials science and materials engineering in Europe. For more than 90 years, it has consolidated the expertise of the specialist fields of science and industry: representing the interests of its members from the fields of science and industry - and as guarantor for the systematic development of the fields of materials science and materials engineering.

Mady Elbahri

Professor (Associate Professor)
Nanochemistry and Nanoengineering
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